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Photo Stanislas Wang Genh

Born and raised in a family of artists, Benjamin Decoin has always been surrounded by visual arts. He started his career in 2000, travelling (sailing!) the world and writing text for travel and cinema magazines.

He developed a love for photography and his passion for portraits and people made him soon became a renowned celebrity photographer. His ability to put people at ease and his pictures, recognizable for the story they tell, their bright and intense look, allow him to gain the trust of major celebrities.

Benjamin is currently based in Paris with his creative team where he can host full production projects and organise everything from pre- to post-production. While he travels all around the world for his clients and assignments, he tries to keep some time for his personal projects, mainly focused on the sea, on and under water. He collaborates with major European magazines and French luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and department stores such as Le Printemps.

He's a proud member of the Foundation Photo4Food.

Livres / Expositions

Exposition Planches Contact Dauville 2023 - Breaking the waves

Exposition collective Photo4Food - 2023 - Hotel de Sauroy Paris

Exposition au 45e Salon de la Marine - 2021 - Musée de la Marine

Exposition Musée de Dunkerque - 2020 - Le Charles de Gaulle

Livre collectif 'A coeur Ouvert', Fondation Photo4Food- 2020

Charles de Gaulle - Belem - 2019 - Exposition Armada 2019 - Galerie Sequana, Rouen

Haïti - 2018 - Exposition au Festival du Film d'Angoulême

Il était une fois Tchernobyl - 2018 - Projet de livre - texte et photos

L'épopée Transatlantique - Queen Mary 2 - 2018 - Exposition à la Mairie du Havre

Le Charles de Gaulle - 2017 - Editions du Chêne / EPA avec Cyril Hofstein

Exposition au 44e Salon de la Marine - 2017 - Musée de la Marine

Haïti - 2017 - Projet d'édition avec Jimmy Jean-Louis

Haïti - 2017 - Exposition à Pontoise juillet/aout 2017

Corée du Nord - Plongée au cœur d’un Etat totalitaire – 2016 - Livre de photographies aux éditions du Chêne avec Antoîne Bondaz

Le Charles de Gaulle - 2016 - Exposition sur les murs de l’Hotel de Ville de Paris, puis exposition itinérante.

Salon de la Marine 2016 - Exposition Collective au Musée de la Marine. 

Les Rencontres d’Arles - 2015 - Exposition collective Marque Page Havas

Le Belem - 12/2015 - Exposition au salon nautique de Paris

Le Belem - 10/2015 - Livre de photographies aux éditions du Chêne avec Daniel Gilles

Le Charles de Gaulle - 2014- Exposition au Pavillon Gabriel avec l’ADOSM.

Le Charles de Gaulle  - 2014 - Exposition à bord du porte-avions de portraits de marins.

Festival de Cannes - 2013 - Exposition de portraits de comédiens - L’œil du photographe.

Festival SCOOP Angers - 2011 - Exposition de portraits de celébrités.